Unmasked by the mask
Running away from believed adversity is like running away from your own shadow. Distance creates the greater force for strike. By running away from adversity you are causing adversity. Positive and negative, good or bad, they are only two sides of the same. Rather, embrace the opposite. All is created by the same Source, the good and the bad. Denying it is like denying yourself. And denying yourself is denying the Source. When you embrace the opposite the smaller becomes taller, the lesser becomes greater, the self merges into Real Self. When there is no distance only then all becomes One. Embrace the death for you will find true Life. That is true Power of Proximity.
There is beauty of creation in everything, even in the smallest of the smallest. There is same energy in every atom in the universe. Busy with living a life motivated by fear of existence, people become oblivious of the beauty of creation on every step. If they could only stop and see. It is right there in front of their eyes. Now in fear from certain and promised death by the invisible and the smallest of the smallest, they are again running away oblivious of the beauty of creation.
The true Path is straight and narrow. It leads upwards and it connects the worldly with heavenly. The destination is Nothingness out of which All appears.. The Truth in Silence. The self is seeking True Self. And it is always a lonely journey, be sure of that. Only in true loneliness you realise there is only One. Our destiny is not death. Our destiny is the disappearance into One, unbound and timeless. Waste no time to realise Timeless.